Laboratories and equipment

Name of laboratories, specialized cabinets, area Name of the discipline according to the curriculum Available technical support (equipment)


1 2 3 4
1 Educational lab

“The theory of electric circuits and electromagnetic systems”

№301-12 (200.7 sq.m.)


1 semester:

The theory of electric circuits-1;

Devices for displaying and recording information;

Fundamentals of electrical engineering and electronics;


Electronics and microcircuitry;


2 semester:

The theory of electric circuits-2;

Electronic systems;


Electronics and microcircuitry;

Industrial electronics

Voltmeter B7-16-1 pcs;

Generator GIS-02-1 pc.

Power supply TPP-15-2 pcs.

Phase meter – 8 pcs.

Voltmeter B7-16 – 1 pc.


Oscilloscopes: С1-72-1 pcs; С1-77-4 pcs .; С1-93-7 pcs.


Educational laboratory stands UPS – 8 pcs.


Educational laboratory stands MG-1, UP-8 – 12 pc.


Video player AKAI – 1 pc.


Teletype “Laspi” – 1 pc.


2 Computer class – Educational laboratory “Electronic and microprocessor devices and systems”

No.304-12 (61.3 sq. m.)

1 semester:

Information Technologies-3;

Basics of microprocessor technology;

Fundamentals of design in electronics-2;

Microprocessor devices for information processing.


2 semester:

Information technologies-2;

Modeling in electronics;

Microprocessor devices;

Computer networks and systems


PC Pentium-IV-8 pc

PC Сeleron-400 -7 pc

Digital oscilloscope adapter PCSU1000-10 pcs.


3 Specialized room of  “Diploma design”

№305-12 (48.4 sq.m.)

Consultations on diploma designing :; lectures and practical classes for students of Industrial Electronics Department PC Pentium-IV-1 pc
4 Computer classroom –

Educational laboratory “Computer and Internet technologies”

№307-12 (48.3 sq.m.)

1 semester:

Computer technologies-1;


Internet technologies.


2 semester:

Computer technologies-2;

Internet technologies

System unit Phenom II X4 and 8 monitors

PC Сeleron Core E1500 -1 pc.


5 Educational laboratory “Power electronic devices and systems”

No. 311-12 (132.4 sq.m.)

1 semester:

Electromagnetic technics-1;

Devices of converter equipment-1;

Power electronics;

Power electronic systems.


2 semester:

Power electronics;

Electromagnetic technics-2;

Devices of converter equipment -2;

Electronic control systems;

Electronic power supply systems;

Converters of electric current.


Power source: TES-88-1; TPP-15-2 units; LIPPS-35 -1 pcs .; B5-47, B5-45, B5-29 to 1 pc.

Voltmeters: В3-48А-1 шт.; В7-16- 12 шт., В3-38-2 шт .; B3-13 – 2 pcs., B7-27A-2 pc.


Oscilloscopes: C1-67-2 pcs .; С1-68-2 pcs; C1-67-2 pcs; С1-70-3 pieces; С1-71-1 pcs; С1-55-3 pcs; С1-77-8 pcs; С1-81-1 pcs .; С1-93-4 pcs. С1-99-1 pcs.


Laboratory layouts.


Educational laboratory stand PU-2, TU-1 – 5 pcs.


Converter of the IF-3.5 -2 pc.


Frequency meter: Ф5080, Ф 5041, Ч3-34 – 3 pieces.


Measurer SC6-13 – 1 pc.


6 Educational laboratory “MP systems of local objects management” teaching – consulting, for work of students, masters, postgraduates №313-12 (65,5 sq.m.) 1 semester

Simulation of systems in local objects


Consultations for IE Department students , work with masters and postgraduate students


PC Pentium-III -1 pc.

PC Celeron-2400 – 2 pcs.

Intel Core2 PC-2 pcs.


7 Educational laboratory “Power electronic systems”

№ 315-12 (43.1 sq.m.)

Laboratory Practicum on the course “Power Electronic Systems”

Practical classes, consultations for IE Department students, work with masters.


Voltmeter B7-16-1 pcs.

Generator GIS-02-1 pc.


Power supply: TPP-14-2 units; TPP-88-1 pcs; B5-47-2 pcs; VIP-10


Generators: G5-54.-1 pc .; G6-28-1 pcs .; G3-56- 1 pc .; GE-109 1 pc.


Voltmeter: V7-16 – 1 pc .; B7-22- 1 pc.


Oscilloscopes: С1-70, С1-72, С1-74, С1-79 on 1 pieces; C1-99 -2 pcs; С8-17-1 pieces;


С1-77- 4 pcs., С1-93-7 pcs.


Educational laboratory stands 8 pcs.


INTEL Core2 PC-1 pc.


PC Pentium-IV-1 pc.

Digital memory oscilloscope SEA C8-22M / 1- 3 pcs


8 Educational lab “Devices and systems for displaying and recording information”

№. 401-12 (38.5 sq. m.)

Practical classes for students of the IE Department Power Source: TES-15-2st .;

Voltmeters: B7-16A- 2 pcs.,

Oscilloscope C1-99-1 pcs; C1 55- 1 pc.

Inductance meter – E7-10- 1pc.


Phase meter F 431/8 1 pc.


Measurer SC6-13 – 1 pc.


PC PC-Cel-400 – 1 pc.


PC VTComputers Pentium -IV – 2 pcs.


9 Computer classroom-

Educational laboratory “Computer equipment and computer systems”

No. 402-12 (70.7 sq.m.)

1 semester:

Informatics-1. Personal computer and programming basics;




Object-Oriented Programming;


Microprocessor technology;


Specialized and industrial MP systems;


Numerical Methods.


2 semester:


Informatics-2. Programming and algorithmic languages;


Computing Mathematics-2;


Fundamentals of design in electronics;


Design and technology of electronic devices and systems-2.


PC Celeron 2000 -14 pcs

PC Pentium-IV-1 pc


10 Educational laboratory “Electronic computer systems”

№ 405-12 (22.7 sq.m.)

Laboratory Practicum on the course “Electronic Computer Systems”

Consultations for students of IE Department and postgraduate students


Pc INTEL Core2 -1 sh



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