Description of areas of training department
The Department of Industrial Electronics was founded in 1962. It is a unit of the Department of Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. For it’s history the department has trained 4567 engineers, since 1997 – 108 masters, more than 218 specialists for other countries. Over 64 students of the department became candidates of technical sciences, 10 – doctors of technical sciences.
Currently, the department consists of 28 full-time teachers, among them 5 doctors of technical sciences and 13 candidates of technical sciences.
The department provides basic training of specialists at the following educational-qualifying levels:
Branch of Knowledge: 17 Electronics and Telecommunication
Code and name of specialty: 171 Electronics
Specialization: Electronic components and systems
Duration: 3 years 10 months (4 academic years)
Branch of Knowledge: 17 Electronics and Telecommunication
Code and name of specialty: 171 Electronics
Specialization: Electronic components and systems
Studying terms: 1 year 10 months
Studying forms at the IE Department – fulltime.
Generally, the following main areas of training specialists at the faculty of IE are :
development and design of microprocessor devices and control systems, management and wide-purpose control;
development and design of power electronic devices and systems of transformation and regulation of electrical energy parameters;
computer methods of designing and processing information;
the use of information computer equipment in control and display devices;
operation and maintenance of a wide range of electronic equipment.
The focus on the development of computer and microprocessor systems involves obtaining knowledge of hardware and software. Separately we pay attention to the fact that the department “Microprocessor technology” is taught for 4 semesters – this emphasis in training is explained by the fact that virtually any modern electronic control system can be implemented on the basis of microprocessor (microcontroller).
In the process of undergraduate training, students study a range of interconnecing disciplines that make it possible to understand the principle of the operation of a wide variety of devices and electronics, to learn methods for analyzing processes in them and to learn how to calculate the elements of electronic systems. Students study designing and constructing of electronic devices and systems, and consider their maintenance and operation.
Masters are trained in two directions: masters of engineering – specialists in the fields of development and operation of electronic equipment and masters of science – preparation for research in the field of power electronics and computer and microprocessor technology.