Portrait of a graduate
A graduate of a modern technical university (in particular a graduate of the faculty of IE) has to:
– Flexibly adapt to changing situations of life, acquiring the necessary knowledge on their own and cleverly applying them in practice to solve various problems;
– think critically, to be capable of seeing the difficulties that have a place in the real world and looking for ways to rationally overcome them, using modern technologies, to be able to generate new ideas, to think creatively;
– to work with information correctly, to be able to gather the facts necessary for research of a certain task, to analyze them, to put forth the hypotheses of solving problems, to make the necessary generalizations, to be capable of making a comparison with similar and alternative variants of consideration, to establish statistical laws, to form up reasoned conclusions and to reveal and solve the new problems on that basis;
– Be sociable, to make contacts in different social groups, capable of working together in different situations, avoiding or cleverly negotiating conflict situations;
– To work independently on the development of own morality, intellect, cultural level.
Formation model of the future graduates of the higher technical educational institution of professional competence in the process of two-level training (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Model of professional competence development of future graduates of technical universities in the process of two-level training.
Engineering and technical competencies include: motivational competencies – internal motivational units of positive motives for learning and acquiring of theoretical (use of interdisciplinary connections and acquired knowledge in fundamental disciplines) and technological (possession of general means of action, optimization of the sequence of selected actions) competences; communicative competence – the use of productive communication and communication for the implementation of common goals of the activity, readiness for dialogue as a method for learning the teaching material, possession of methods and means of business relations.
Bachelor’s professional competencies: theoretical and technological – the availability of a system of professional knowledge, the ability to integrate knowledge in new situations, the ability to effectively solve traditional and non-traditional technical tasks, the ability to develop engineering technologies, analyze technical documentation, including those written in foreign languages, to receive information on their own, to alwayss improve the educational level; production-technological – the ability to plan technological processes, use the experience of others, owning methods of implementing their own technical and technological developments in the production process, knowledge of information technologies; social and communicative – readiness for mutual understanding and interaction in communication and relationships, ability to discuss and make common decisions, ability to take responsibility for their realization for theirself, ability to avoid conflicts, tolerantly resolve them among other members of the production team.
The professional competencies of masters, in addition to those acquired on the basis of professional competences of the bachelor, include: design and development competence – the ability to design and construct technical equipment, technological processes, computer control systems, and others; research competence – the ability to identify and formulate the research problem, the ability to research and improve objects and facilities of engineering work, to make well-founded conclusions about the results of the research; organizational and managerial competence – the ability to efficiently organize and manage profitable production; social-methodical competence – ability to lead the collective, to take responsibility for their actions, professional mobility, creative approach to work with the team, knowledge of the basics of conflictology, the ability to combine own interests and the needs of the enterprise and society, the ability to continuously improve the educational level, the need for actualization and the realization of its own potential, the ability to accurately and correctly transfer knowledge and formulate the requirements and tasks of subordinates, etc.
Fundamental disciplines include: disciplines of higher mathematics; general Physics; engineering and computer graphics.The following disciplines are referred to the humanitarian disciplines: foreign language; culturology; art and design; linguistics; technical translation; philosophy, etc. General technical disciplines include: theoretical electrical engineering and industrial electronics; resistance of materials and applied mechanics; the integration of training with production, etc. The block of special disciplines includes the disciplines of graduating departments. The block of special courses includes disciplines: pedagogy; psychology and sociology; political science and law, conflictology, etc.