Meeting of the EPS Department #5 (2023-2024)

On Wednesday, 18 October at 16:00 offline (with the possibility of remote connection), in aud. 406-12, a meeting of the EPS department №5 will be held

It is also possible to join the department's meeting via Google Meet (connection details on the departmental Telegram channel)


1. Accreditation of the study programme Electronic Components, Devices and Systems
Speaker: Yevhen VERBYTSKYI.

2. The results of the department's self-analysis.
Speaker: Yevhen VERBYTSKYI.

3. Competition cases.
Speaker: Yuriy KHOKHLOV.

4. Approval of supervisors and areas of work for 4th year bachelors.
Speaker: Larysa BATRAK.

5. A methodological seminar based on the results of the self-analysis of the Electronic Components and Systems study programme.
Speaker: Kateryna KLEN.

6. Miscellaneous issues.