Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Head of the Department of Industrial Electronics.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of industrial electronics, winner of the NAS of Ukraine for young scientists. Born in 1975 graduated from “KPI” specialty “Industrial electronics”. She worked as an engineer, assistant, senior lecturer. In 1999 defended his thesis. Since 2000 – associate professor of industrial electronics. He teaches lectures on disciplines: “Computer Mathematics”, “Electronics and microcircuitry” conducts practical classes for students of stationary form of training lectures and teaches students the distance learning course “Stand-alone converters.”
Research interests – development of intelligent control systems converters.
J. Yamnenko is:
– Winner of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists work ‘high-speed control algorithms semiconductor converters with identification parameters “, the decision of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine of 28.02.2001 p .;
– Winner of Ukrainian contest “Youth – Energy Ukraine-2003: Competition of Young Scientists” in the “Power” on the topic “Principles of optimum control the generation and consumption of electricity in local facilities”;
– Finalist Ukrainian competition “Leader of the Fuel and Energy Complex 2002” in the Department of Electronics Authors “KPI” in the “Research and development” – “Development of mathematical algorithms based on microprocessor control of power converters in the autonomous power supply systems”;
– Winner of Ukrainian competition “Leader of fuel and energy complex 2005” consisting of authors in the “Research and development” – “Manual” Circuitry of electronic systems “in 4 books”;
– Grantees President of Ukraine for talented youth project “Intelligent systems of energy efficiency of residential buildings” in 2007-2010 p .;
– The winner NTUU “KPI” “young teacher-researcher-2007”;
– Winner of the President of Ukraine for young scientists for the scientific work “Theory and tools for building energy efficient system power management local objects” of 06.12.2010r.
In 2007 Peterherya YS defended his doctoral thesis “Control system power Locals” specialty 05.09.03 – Electrotechnical complexes and systems.